I brewed my 3rd batch this morning.
I'm making an Alt beer from extract that is basically straight out of Papazians book.
It's his Osmosis Amoebas German Alt.
- 6lb DME amber
- 2 oz N. Brewers hops (8%)
- 3/8 lb Chocolate malt
- Re-Pitching Irish Ale Wyeast 1084
The difference between my recipe (above) and his is that he had 1/8lb. black caraffe. I didn't have it so I just increased the amount of Chocolate by the 1/8lb. And, his calls for German ale yeast and I'm re-pitching Irish Ale.
The O.G. was about 1.043 - 1.044 adjusted for temp.
(The PapaZ recipe says O.G. should be 1.040 - 1.044)
I calculate the IBU's at 42
IBU = AAU(16) x U(.176) x 75 / V(5gal)recipe
(based on John Palmers - How to Brew website:
IBU calculation)
3 gal. boil, topped off to about 5.5gal. I'm going to put this in primary for a week or so, then rack to secondary where it's going to sit for two weeks.
The Chocolate roast smells like fresh brewed coffee.
I've devised a system, now that it is starting to warm up, to keep the temp as steady as possible. I have a 6gal. round Igloo cooler. The bucket I use for a primary will fit in the cooler perfectly and this will sit in the front stairwell (where the temp is always about 10deg. cooler than the house.) The cooler should keep the temp fairly constant. When I rack to secondary I'm going to a 5gal. glass carboy. That will also go into the cooler and the cooler will be filled up with water to make an insolated water bath.

The recipe says that you should try to get the secondary temp to about 55deg. for two weeks. I doubt that I will get it down to 55 but it should be about as cool as I can keep it, and relatively constant.
All wrapped up