Irish Red Ale
Well it's been a while since I posted. I bottled my Dunkel Weiss late last week. My Alt beer is done and it came out very nice.
Yesterday I brewed a new batch, Irish Red Ale.
5.5 lb DME Muttons Amber
1.5 lb Crystal Malt
.25 lb Chocolate Malt
(steeped at 150deg for about 20 min)
1 oz. Challenger 8% (60 min)
1 oz. Tettnngaer 4% (15 min)
Re-pitched Wyeast Irish ale yeast. (3rd Gen)
I tried the late extract addition method for the first time on this batch. After steeping I added about 1.5 lb DME to the full 5 gallon boil. This worked out better than I expected. I had no problem with boil overs. I added the rest of the DME after the boil.
Now that I know I can do the full 5 gallon boil in the 30 liter pot I need to get myself a wort chiller to cool the wort down faster. It took me about 1 hr. to get the wort to pitching temp. I put it in the bath tub full of cold water.
I took the original gravity reading and it came out 1.060~. This seemed higher than it was supposed to be until I pitched to the fermenter bucket and realized that I had lost about 1 gallon in the boil. I topped off to give me a little more than 5 gal. This gives me an O.G. of about 1.050
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