1st batch in bottles!
I racked my first batch into bottles tonight.
I pulled a sample out to make sure it wasn't fermenting any more. It's got a nice dark amber color to it

I racked the wort and the priming sugar to a 5gal plastic water carboy that I sanitized. I had to use the other end of my spoon to stir in the carboy. After it was in the carboy I noticed that there were some bits of hops floating around in the wort, so I put my grain bag over the racking cane as a filter when I went to bottles.

I racked to bottles and capped them

And tucked them away for two weeks.

Dude- you need to invest in buying a few cases of bombers. It will cut your time in half with bottling, and give you a good excuse to drink more then 12 ounces at a time :)
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