Some thoughts...
Well, my Alt (batch #3) is in bottles now since about a week ago. My #4, Dunkel Weissen will go into bottles in a couple of days.
I was just thinking about my next batch and decided to try doing the late addition extract method. I've only drank two batches of my beer and I can now taste that 'extract' taste in the beer. It is most pronounced in the Coopers Dark Ale kit that I brewed (my first batch). It's there a little bit in the heffe weissen (my 2nd batch) but not so noticeable.
I have heard a lot of talk on the boards about the late extract addition method, where you only put about 1lb out of 6 (or maybe 2lb) at the beginning of the boil and then add the balance about 15min from the end of boil (with the flavoring hops). Some people think that this will cut down on the 'extract' taste in the beer.
As I thought about that, I started thinking about something I read in TCJOH (The Complete Joy of Homebrewing). That boil overs are more likely with small boils (i.e. 2 gal) because of the concentration of extract to volume of water.
This got me to thinking that maybe I could do a full 5gal boil in my 30qt turkey fryer with much less fear of a boil over because the wort will be much less concentrated than my normal 3gal boils.
Some concerns:
Will I have a huge boil over or potential when I add the final balance of the extract? Or, will I be fairly safe because I'm dumping it into 5gal.
Do I take it off the flame to add the extract, and if so, do I add time to the boil to make up for the off heat time.
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